måndag, mars 13, 2006

Teaching at Bible school

Well, I just got back from teaching at a Bible school in Lund. I had decided to have two different themes...One was on the life of King Hezekiah in the Old Testament and how his actions and the result of his actions are characteristic of what would be called a modern-day revival.

My second theme had to do with abortion. I wanted to provide them with facts and statistics and open up for discussion so that I could hear what a typical Christian Swede's opinion is. I didn't do it first and foremost with the attitude of making them listen what I think and make them think like I do, but rather to get everyone involved in a discussion. I wanted to kind of get a sense of where they stood as Christians here in Sweden.

I was completely baffled, confounded, confused, burdened and saddened by what happened. I almost felt like an alien for thinking the way I do about abortion in that group of 10 Christians (all of them with many different backgrounds and some from different countries).

Anyways, I don't think I can go into it right now because I need to process what happened. I just needed to write briefly about it. No matter what, I choose to believe that God my Savior and my closest companion loves every single human being conceived and that it is not and never in any case is His will for a human fetus to be aborted. If I didn't believe that then I just don't know what kind of God I think I am serving and growing closer to.

What do you think about abortion???

3 kommentarer:

Hennyfair sa...

I would be so interested to hear about that conversation/discussion. I am adamantly against abortion. Even in the most extreme situations. God knows every child even before they are formed in their mother's womb. So, don't you think He's able to care for babies that are the product of rape, teen pregnancy, threat to the mother's life, or that they baby may be diseased or something? Or whatever other circumstance? After my sister had her little girl "unexpectedly" last March I will never look at babies as accidents. Adria was totally not in my sister's timing, but there is NO question AT ALL that God wasn't in control of her formation. No. I find there to be NO reason AT ALL that abortion is right.

My concluding thought goes back to the summer I volunteered with the CPC. One statistic they had at that time (1995) was that only 3% of all abortions were performed due to those reasons I mentioned previously. THREE PERCENT! That means 97% were due to inconveniences. How sad.

Tamara sa...

I will briefly say two things. I had a friend tell me this story and I cried when I got home for quite sometime. The church is guilty. We preach in our sermons about sanctity of life. But, when a person with ADHD comes into our church, someone who is mildly retarded, or we have a baby crying during the service we take them out into the hall or in the nursery. A spiritual abortion like Kunle/Sarah mentioned. Like they are less important and aren't vital to the message or fellowship. We say they are important, but by our actions downgrade their existence.
2. If I were to find myself in all those cases that Jenny mentioned I would have the baby. I think the baby would be a testimony to God's awesome power. But also I must mention this. If I were a mother who had an abortion in the past I would feel very low right now. Maybe even to the point of death myself because of all the hate mongering in the church. We need to uplift these ladies so they don't think their lives are any less valuable.

Ha I have a UE in my word verification. :)

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon sa...

Thank you for your comments, everybody. I am encouraged to hear what you all had to say.

The true solution is not, of course, new legislation; the true solution is the touch of the Holy Spirit on the entire society in such a way that the will of God is done on the earth as it is in heaven.