lördag, september 16, 2006

Idag gjorde vi det!

Vi utnyttjade vår demokratiska rättighet och gick och röstade. En dag för tidigt, men det kändes så smidigt att kunna smita in till Rådhuset och lägga i sina kuvert.
Jag tycker att det har varit en rätt intressant valdebatt under några veckor. Det är lite speciellt här i Staffanstorp. Eftersom kommunen är så liten och man jobbar i kommunen har man lärt känna och träffat en hel del av politikerna. Några av dem är också med i Centrumkyrkan. Gissa om någon av dem fick mitt kryss!
Man förstår när man arbetar i en politiskt styrd verksamhet, som en skola, att det är en nyckel att ha bra folk som politiker. Det är viktigare än vilket parti de tillhör.

Så har du inte röstat ännu så ta dig till vallokalen idag eller i morgon och lägg din röst på ett parti eller en person som du har förtroende för!

(Det var första gången Katie fick rösta i Sverige! Hon kanske kommer att berätta om denna oerhört spännande händelse).

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

yeah... WHATEVER... BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!! Sha-ta! I'm gonna have to learn Swedish or something. :o|

Anonym sa...

The wife of the Swede paraphrases in English:

We voted today (in Sweden you vote every 4 years). Because this is the first election I have been a permanent resident, I was allowed to vote as well (not many people can say that they have voted in 2 different countries!). So we exercised our democratic right and voted for the people and parties we most thought could run this country in a way that is most in line with the Word of God.

Early next week we will find out if the country will still be run by the incumbent party (which we hope will NOT be the case) or whether the challenging alliance will come into power (which we think would be best).

Hennyfair sa...

I'm so thankful that the aforementioned Swede has an American wife who can translate for us non-bilinguals!

And yay for you guys! Voting is not a right, it's a privelege and responsibility...no matter where in the World you are.

Anonym sa...

I really do not understand what elections or political parties mean. The reality, however, is that the term "democracy" means people govern through reflection and choice in self-governing communities of shared relationships rather than by accident, force, deceptions, despotism, and fantacy usually reflected in elections, political parties, and the pronuncements of aspiring office holders.

When people govern, they will be able to be problem-dwellers, problem-solvers, and problem-owners through their rich knowledge of time-and-space ideas.

The government or political parties are plainly not the people. Voting is a very slender thread, hardly strong enough to let us presume that people, by electing representatives, govern. If people, however, rely only on the pronouncements of those who aspire to leadership, democracy will be universally proclaimed - a form of demagoguery, not democracy. To honor democracy by words or elections or political parties creates false illusions, accidents, deceptions, despotism, demagoguery, etc. Indeed, this is an unfortunate drift from the excellent democracy God helps to understand through Exodus 18:14-26, the Mayflower compact initiated by the Puritans of New England Towns, and federal theology by the Protestants of the 15th and 16th century in Europe - my heros of the best form of political institutions ever used by humans.

I still do not understand what elections or political parties mean other than....

My puzzle is your challenge, Katie & Niklas.

:-) NOIE

Anonym sa...

HAHAHA!!! We all just got "lambasted" by a political- scientist, public-policy man!

Anonym sa...

Hmmm....Coonlay has definitely given us something to ponder.

Unfortunately we have not spent as much time reflecting over such important matters as has Coonlay, so we are glad that it is Coonlay and not we who are in a position of influence at a university, teaching on such matters, having an important impact on young, impressionable minds.

Should the right "political party" win the "election", we will be sure to write to said party and suggest that they take a closer look at the Mayflower Compact and consider a reform of the present Swedish system of democracy and justice.

We look forward to the day when we as the saints of God will rule the earth in the form of government deemed best by God, our ultimate authority. We assume that future form of government will not in any way be similar to a democracy???