måndag, oktober 02, 2006

Life Status Report

Ever since the talk with the Social Worker on Friday I have thought more and more about how to talk about my faith in this country where people are suspicious of those who believe strongly in something and where ”sticking out” is frowned upon.

Recently Niklas preached a message called “Standing Up and Sticking Out” which totally goes against the grain here in this culture. He also preached recently about the heroes of the faith, both in Hebrews 11 and some more modern-day heroes, who were really quite unique individuals who dared to act on things they had heard God tell them to do no matter how weird or unusual it seemed to everyone else.

So those things have got me thinking about not only how to convey my own faith to others in a more understandable and less “suspicion-arousing” way, but also how to raise a child who will not be afraid of being so “different” in this totally post-modern, don’t-have-a-clue-about-anything-about-Jesus-and-Christianity-in-general society we live in.
So I have done a lot of thinking. And realizing that it is all God’s grace and we are going to have to be fully dependent on Him every step of the way!

Niklas taught/preached all day at a youth conference on Saturday. It had been awhile since he spoke in front of a bunch of youth, and he really enjoyed it and was all pumped up when he got home late that night. God moved on some of the young people in a powerful way.

Soon we will make our doctor’s appointments to get a physical exam so that we can be approved in another step of the adoption process.

We were blessed by Niklas’ parents recently with some gift certificates and were able to buy some new (needed!) clothes that we otherwise wouldn’t have bought since we are saving money.

This past Sunday Prisca taught on Jesus turning the water into wine. She has a great gift with kids and knows how to get them calmed down and listening (not one of my fortes – I have a lot to learn from her!)
The kids have been great about giving money each week to our “Sponsor a Child” girl in Cambodia!

Studied Medical Immunology this past week, like what happens when your body gets an infection. Interestingly enough, I caught a cold in the middle of the week and could follow each step of the infection in my body and know exactly what the cytokines and B-cells and interferons and Toll-Like Receptors were doing as I got sicker and sicker and then healthier and healthier.
I think I got sick because I worked way too much this week (over 30 hours) and didn’t eat very much because I was so busy. Yes, I have learned my lesson, in more ways than one!!!

3 kommentarer:

Hennyfair sa...

I so enjoy your life status updates! I was checking all day to see if it was here. I'm glad that if finally is!

Anonym sa...


I just want to say to you in this incredibly public forum:


And I am so proud to call you "friend." I really admire you and can only pray that I one day have the faith and strength in God that you have.

There. I said it. I admire my little Matt LeBlanc look-alike! Hehehehe... :o)

Love ya!


Becky Durham sa...

Yay--updates! Thanks for sharing :) There are a lot of steps in this adoption process--I'll pray that God will keep you strong and determined!

I'm sorry you caught a cold, but it's certainly a good way to experience the material first hand!

I bet Niklas did a great job at the youth conference--with I could have been there! I'm not feeling that my gifts is to speak at youth conferences anytime soon so I'm always glad that there are people who will do it!