onsdag, december 06, 2006

Another little step closer in the journey of 5,926,830 steps

Well, good news in the adoption process.

The social services committee in our municipality approved us as adoptive parents.

For some reason that I can't possibly fathom, it will take another week for them to give us the official paper stating that, but I am past the point of getting frustrated at the unnecessary waiting involved in this whole adoption process.

Little could surprise me anymore!

BUT yes, it is still good news so I wanted to report it!

6 kommentarer:

Becky Durham sa...

Hooray! Congratulations on being one step closer :) Just keep jumping through those hoops!

Anonym sa...

LOL... that's a lot of steps! But praise God you are one step closer!

Hennyfair sa...

Yay! Baby steps....

Anonym sa...

I wonder how many literal steps we take in a lifetime. I'm going to ask God... either after I die or when he comes... when I see him face to face... how many literal steps I took while "living". I'll send y'all the memo.

Anonym sa...

Great!! Wonderful news!

Anonym sa...

Helt fantastiskt! Ni kommer att bli sådana superbra föräldrar.
