tisdag, januari 02, 2007

Red Lobster med alla Katie vanner

Thank You Beth for the pic!

6 kommentarer:

Hennyfair sa...

Alright, so that really was a great time! I LOVED meeting everyone and all that jazz. Um, but, yeah, that picture...well....you all look good anyway. Bleck! Hennyfair shall never wear horizontal stripes again!

Anonym sa...

my mind is now at ease. in the words of the Monkies... "then I saw her face... now I'm a believer!"

Anonym sa...

What a lovely picture! Nearly all of you are wearing something red-ish... is that because of RED Lobster?!?

Becky Durham sa...

It is a great picture!

Beth sa...

Man that is one spectacular picture, even you, Hennyfair! I think there's a lobster climbing onto my shoulder, trying to escape. How come nobody told me about the fugitive lobster behind me?

Anonym sa...

Sorry guys... I'm behind on my blog-reading. It is a good picture! Of course, I had to be the oddball - the only one without red or pink on. :o( However, if you notice, hennyfair's sweater has red, pink, and BROWN... so we do all coordinate nicely. :o)
