"The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose." - Rick Warren
An American and a Swede, living in Sweden, with daughters from South Africa and Zimbabwe!
"The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose." - Rick Warren
Posted by
Mr and Mrs Lorentzon
7:44 em
7 kommentarer:
Here is a saying that I made up all by myself that relates to that quote.
Death never defeats life. Life always defeats death.
you spelled "saying" wrong.
I was laughing at myself in that last comment, by the way.
I was demonstrating to you one of my purposes in life... edtiing and proofreading!!! Which can be annoying if it's not asked for.
But anyway... very inspiring "saying". Thanks for sharing!
How did I spell it wrong? I am confused. You spelled it the same in your comment. Or were you quoting the misspelling. How is it spelled? I know I ALWAYS have spelling errors. :)
Hahahaha! Not you Tamara. The title of this post is misspelled!
Oh I whas uterlay conphused. Thanc yu for clarefying.
Heehee! Tamara! Yer funny!
Oh... and Niklas and Katie... there is now a goofy looking word in the title of this post... "ordsprak". You might want to revise it again! :o)
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