tisdag, februari 06, 2007

...too tired to come up with a title...

I just spent ELEVEN AND A HALF HOURS at the lab today.
No joke.

And despite my friends' wishes to the contrary,
NONE of the mice escaped my scientific curiosities today.

Enough said.

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

No!!! Poor little arthritic mice can't run... :'-(


Hennyfair sa...

All for the sake of science! Hey, can I use these pictures for PowerPoint?

Anonym sa...

*shriek* *gasp*

you sicko scientist people!!!! you and Henny both!!!

Anonym sa...

person with arthritic knee says -- thank you,dear mousies!

Becky Durham sa...

I hate mice.

But I'm glad there's something they can do to be helpful.

Beth sa...

Okay so those pictures are slightly disturbing. Especially when my two adorable hamsters, Mouse King and Hammy, are currently living a happy carefree life far away from needles, knives, and exhausted, overworked, and underpaid scientists. Although many will find those pictures interesting, I'll refrain from sharing them with Mouse King and Hammy. I'm sure you'll understand. :)

Anonym sa...


Vad händer med adoptionen??
Ni skriver inte mycket om det.

Hej från nyfiken i en strut